Wednesday, December 16, 2009

It's the final countdown!

I cannot believe that our holiday is almost here! Enjoy your night tonight, and please remember to come in your best Number One uniform in the morning for the Carol Service!

Good night, 5D!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

December in Review

We had a wonderful time at our Class Party this afternoon, and I was touched to see such a thoughtful gift exchange among the students!

Please arrive in your sharp Number One for Assembly, and be sure to pack your Spirit (and all of those great new Spirit Socks!). A thank you card for your Secret Santa would be a great idea for tonight, as well.

Enjoy the slideshow -- another great month together, indeed!

Monday, December 14, 2009

The final Monday of 2009!

Wow! I cannot believe how quickly time has flown by! I'll prepare our final 2009 slideshow after the Class Party tomorrow, so be on the look out!

Please come to school tomorrow in your complete track suit for PE. Pack your PJs and bring your Secret Santa gift for our exciting class party in the afternoon!!

If you find yourself with extra free time tonight, you could spend it in various ways...writing in a journal..practicing your Skeletal and Muscular Systems knowledge for 2010...working on your Poem Report...building something wonderful and artistic out of material in your recycling -- the ideas are endless and I hope you have a wonderful night!

On a sadder note, it is with a heavy heart that I announce the passing of Charlie the Class Dog - beloved 5D mascot and trusted friend. The treacherous waters of Friday were no match for ol' Charlie, and he will be greatly missed. We will treasure the memories. 5D sincerely thanks Monique for helping us through this difficult time with her thoughtful gift of Marley the Monkey - no replacement, to be sure, but a welcome addition to our classroom. We look forward to building memories with Marley, and are thankful for his cleanliness and germ-free attitude towards life.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Please remember to come to school in your black pants tomorrow for the Concert Rehearsal in the morning. Be sure to bring your uniform so that the black pants do not get dirty before your stage time! Wrestling is canceled in the morning so there won't be any need for your gym strip. BLACK OR GREY SOCKS ARE EXPECTED!

Please note that you need to be back at the school on Thursday evening between 5:15 and 5:30 pm. :)

There is a Math quiz coming up, and today we made some review notes to distinguish between mean (or average), mode, median and range. You can practice these concepts at home easily to help prepare!

Please complete your Science sheet for tomorrow's class.

Good night, 5D!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


We will be having Spirit tomorrow, so please come in your Number One uniform and pack your Spirit - but be prepared to go outside!! This means that track suits are mandatory.

Poetry: Please complete the Personification page for tomorrow.

Spelling: the green sheet is still due on Thursday.

Math: Please complete the "Interpreting Graph" pages (front and back of one page) and the Data Management #1 and #2 (all on the same page) for Thursday's class. This will help you to prepare for the Math quiz on Friday on bar graphs, line graphs, mean, median, mode and range! You are stars!

I am so looking forward to your Concert on Thursday evening! The culmination of your hard work will undoubtedly be impressive!

Good night!

Monday, December 7, 2009


We had a great day today! We learned about a new poetic device - personification! We practiced this skill by giving human qualities and characteristics to the four seasons, after reading a personification poem about Winter. The final copy of this exercise along with our metaphor and similes self-portrait will surely be a stunning display.

For homework:
  • Please remember that PE is canceled tomorrow, so you will arrive in your uniform.
  • Spelling homework (more work with analogies and suffixes!) is due on Thursday.
  • Read for 20 minutes -- perhaps 20 minutes with an excellent novel? Perhaps time spent lost in a Poetry Anthology? It's up to you!
  • Return Socials tests with signatures as soon as possible.
Good night, 5D!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thursday, December 3rd

Time certainly is flying by!

Please finish up your pink Poetry self portrait with metaphors sheet - I can't wait to turn your hard work into a great art lesson and display in the hall!

In Math today, we reviewed our understanding of mean/average and it is imperative that students have mastered that skill. We applied our knowledge of graphs to interpret the information, and for homework tonight students should complete pages 142-143 in Jump I to clarify the difference between continuous and discrete data. This is due on Friday!

Please be working away on the two Problem Solving questions that are due on Monday - draw diagrams, make a chart and start with something simple (i.e. substitute in 10 for one value and see how the question would work out. This way you can make adjustments to your next Guess - it's a great way to begin your thinking!)

Come in PE kit, bring your uniform, and keep smiling!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Congratulations to Parvin!!

Parvin competed against other Spellers from Grade 5 to 8 in the Spelling Bee this afternoon, and I am happy to report that she WON!! Congratulations, Parvin -- we will be rooting for you in March as you compete at the next level at UBC! 5D is so proud of you! A big thank you also goes out to Mrs. Brown who organized the Spelling Bee at Wentworth and who will be coaching Parvin for the next level! WOW!

The view from our classroom...

We are very lucky people...

Wacky Wednesday

What a wonderful day in 5D! We are loving this sunshine!

Please complete the yellow sheet for Thursday, and the pink self-portrait with metaphors and similes for Friday. Math students - please complete page 141 in your Jump book.

Have a great night! We wish you the best of luck in the Spelling Bee Round 4 tonight, Parvin!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Terrific Tuesday

It is so wonderful to have the sun shining down on us - spirits certainly are bright!

Spelling - complete yellow sheet by Thursday
Poetry - complete pink sheet by Wednesday
- be working on your Poem Report!
Math - We practiced our Venn diagram skills today to improve our understanding of classifying data. Tonight, please complete Jump book pages 138,139 (we worked on this in class) and page 140.

Come in your best Number One uniform and bring your Spirit clothes!

Good night, 5D!

Monday, November 30, 2009


Have a wonderful night, 5D!

We began our Poetry unit today and learned about and played around with three poetic devices: similes, alliteration and onomatopoeia! Tonight, please work together on the pink poetry page -- building a "Silly Side-by-Side Poem"! Make sure to make your couplets rhyme! This will be shared with your classmates on Wednesday - be sure to have it completed!

Also coming home tonight are the guidelines for the Term Two Poem Report. Make note of your presentation date and plan your time accordingly! I am so excited to see the types of poems you are drawn to and to hear your analysis. More information will follow - including how to indicate the rhyme scheme and how to create a Power Point presentation! We will practice this computer skill before the Christmas holidays.

We are attending the Festive Store tomorrow, so be sure to bring your money, shopping slip and bag!

Spelling - the yellow sheet is due on Thursday, please.

Math - Problem Solving for 5D - complete question 8 (Dominic has twice as many...) and question 12 (Katy is 16 years younger....), due next Monday. Come to see me for extra help between now and then if you have tried your strategies of diagrams, labels and charts and still aren't sure how to solve it!

Come in your full PE kit, and bring your uniform. Enjoy the sunshine!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thursday!

We had a wonderful day in 5D, and we spent the afternoon working on a top-secret Science project that will be unveiled shortly!

Here are a few reminders for this evening:
- Enjoy the sunshine and get some fresh air.
- come in PE kit, bring uniform.
- return Library books.
- There may be Math homework from your Set tonight -- complete thoroughly and diligently. No homework for 5D.
- Science : practice your songs
: "A Joint Effort" (in booklet) due tomorrow- Practice your songs

Have a great night!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wet Wednesday!

5D should be so proud of our Assembly presenters -- everyone has done such an amazing job and I'm excited to see everyone have a turn in front of the microphone!

-- review the details of the Secret Santa/Class Party sheet sent home tonight. There is a $15 limit and the goal is to be thoughtful and secretive!
-- review the lavender sheet outlining the upcoming Winter Concert!
-- Science: complete the "Spine-Tingling Experience" sheet in your Skeletal/Muscular booklet
-- Math: page 100 in Jump I due Thursday!

Good night!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Marvelous Monday

We had a wonderful (albeit rainy) day today -- we watched a slideshow from Alex about the Canadian Olympic Athlete, Steve Omichle who is an aerial and freestyle skier! Alex did a wonderful job, and now we will brainstorm how 5D can show our support for Steve!

Tonight, please...

Practice words to “Power of the Dream” and “Canadian, please.” 

Practice lines to audition for Winter Concert. Boys will audition first recess on Tuesday, and the girls will audition at lunch!

Spelling homework: The Purple spelling sheet due Thursday, and please complete page 20 in white book tonight.

Please complete the Festive Store ordering form and follow the directions -- return the sheet to school on the day we attend the store - Tuesday, December 1st!

Come in PE kit (full track suit, bring uniform)

Return Library books

Read for 20 minutes

And, last but not's time to get excited for our Skeletal and Muscular Science unit - we officially begin tomorrow! We watched some quick videos about skeletons today, put together a bulletin board and took a quick glance at our booklet for this exciting unit!! Check out the links to the left for more information!

Good night, 5D!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Fabulous Friday

Ms. Ninan spoke to us at the end of the day today about the upcoming auditions for the Winter Concert. Ms. Ninan handed out one page of the script for children to practice for auditions (auditions will likely be held on Tuesday). Choose one or two characters and begin to get comfortable with the lines. Expression, enthusiasm and confidence all count! You do not necessarily need to have the lines memorized.

For the weekend:
- practice your Music lyrics to "Canadian, please" and "Power of the Dream".
- find an outstanding Library books at home and return!
- have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thrilling Thursday!

We had a great day in 5D! Students mastered the program 2Create to make great timelines for our in-class Socials project. The test is tomorrow - please spend some time tonight reviewing.

The Music department has sent home a small notice and booklet for your fun at home! Tonight, please practice the lyrics to “Power of the Dream” and “Canadian, please” for class tomorrow (at the back of the booklet!)

A few reminders:

Come in PE kit (full track suit, bring uniform). Many children have been under-dressed for the weather -- it's cold and rainy, so come prepared!

Return Library books, and begin to be excited for the Book Fair! We have heard amazing book reports this term, and I am sure we will all have a few more books on our wish lists as a result of these great presentations.

We watched a brief video on Operation Christmas Child today - this is an incredible program and the joy on the faces of the children as they opened their box was so inspiring. The shoe boxes are due tomorrow, please. Click here for more information of this worthwhile initiative:

Good night, 5D!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wild Wednesday

I'm back! I missed the class yesterday and am glad to be back with you today.

5D hosted an incredible assembly, where we learned about an exciting trip Grade 12 student Megan Ursic took to the Arctic Circle last year. Megan told us about the small decisions we make that are impacting the lives of the animals and people who live in the Arctic. She encouraged all students to research this topic to empower themselves to make changes.

For tonight....drum roll, please...

- be sure to bring in your Completed Operation Christmas Child boxes by Friday. The recipients of your thoughtful boxes are going to be so grateful that you took time from your day to think of them.

- review for your Math and Socials tests.

- Have a wonderful night with your family and friends -- perhaps you could cuddle up tonight with your parents for your 20 minute nightly dose of reading!

See you in the morning!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Magnificent Monday

We had a brilliant morning at the Vancouver Symphony - perhaps you could sing "Siyahamba" for your family tonight!


--Come in full PE kit (track suit), bring uniform
--Socials - review for test Friday. Complete drawing for Tuesday
--Math - review for test Thursday
--Scholastics due Thursday
--Practice Assembly Script
--Operation Christmas Child due Friday
--Girls Soccer and Volleyball must return uniforms
-- return Photo Retake orders as soon as possible.

Good night, 5D!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Name the Baby Beluga!

The Vancouver Aquarium is looking for a wonderful, Arctic-themed, Inuit culture-esque name for the baby Beluga born in June. You can watch the Beluga on the 24-hour webcam to get a feel for her personality before you submit an entry (which is due before November 22). If you're interested, go to!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Super Spellers Sweeping Success!

Congratulations to our Super 5D Spellers! You did an incredible job on Thursday, and the whole grade was so proud of your performance! You should be so pleased with yourselves and proud of your hard work!

Mr. Harder - Torch Bearer Extraordinaire!

Thank you so much to Julian's Grandfather who came to 5D to share his incredible experience of being a torch bearer for the Olympics! He taught us about the design and significance of the torch, and explained the great honour associated with being asked to do this important task! Thank you for sharing your time with us! We really appreciate it!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Congratulations to all of our fabulous Spellers who competed in front of the entire Grade 5 class in the Library today for the competitive Round Three! You all displayed such confidence on the podium, and I am so proud of you! A huge congratulations goes out to Parvin who is going on to Round Four at Morven - best of luck to you!!

We were so lucky to have Julian's Grandfather join us this morning! Mr. Harder was a torch bearer on the island in early November and today he came in his full Olympic gear and brought his torch to teach us about its incredible journey! I have photos of each child with the torch - watch this space tomorrow when they will be posted! :)


Boys basketball practice has been canceled in the morning

Come in PE kit (including your full track suit) and bring uniform

Math - yellow Problem Solving sheet due next Monday
- get test signed and returned for Friday, please
- page 19 -- #1 a, c, #2, b, d, #3 a,c # 4 b, d #5 a c

Socials - page 32 "Canada Reading Card Activity Ten". This is due tomorrow (Friday). Try your best and remember to read thoroughly - ask questions in the margins and really get the most out of your reading experience.

5D read an ASTOUNDING 100 books in September and October! This means that Scholastic will now donate books to elementary schools in Canada! So, get reading for 20 minutes tonight so that we can fill in another 100 books! Hooray!

Operation Christmas Child box due by November 21
Scholastics due by November 19

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

No school on Wednesday. Happy Birthday, Julian!

Spelling - green sheet due Thursday
- pages 16 and 17 in White book due Thursday

Math - yellow Problem Solving sheet due next Monday
- page 29 AND page 31 in blue booklet due Thursday

Read for 20 minutes

Operation Christmas Child box due by November 20
Scholastics due by November 19

Monday, November 9, 2009

Welcome back!

I hope that you had a lovely long weekend! Congratulations go out to Julian who won a Silver and Gold medal over the weekend at a Tae Kwon Doe match! Hooray!


Please remember to come in your sharpest Number One uniform. If you are an emcee or flanker, please come to school on time (or even a little early). Wrestling practice and PE class are canceled so many students won't need their PE kit. Boys basketball practice is at lunch, and Girls basketball practice is after school.

Please remember that there is no school on Wednesday.

Spelling: Green sheet on there/their/they're is due on Thursday.

Math: Complete any Problem Solving work on the strategy "Making an Organized List" you didn't complete in class (due next Monday). Also ** Homework due next Monday is the yellow Problem Solving sheet.

Socials: Complete the Timeline on Page 3 of the Canada Remembers newspaper. I would also like for you to complete the Logic puzzle on Page 4 in the Tales of Animals in War newspaper.

Thank you!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Looooong weekend!

Hooray! Enjoy your long weekend! Please make it a healthy, happy and balanced one!

5D Math: Your blue multiplication and division booklet will help you fully master these basic operations. I ask that you choose ten questions from any where in the book to complete each day (over four forty questions!). The last page has four more challenging word problems and those must be included in your weekend work. Enjoy!

5D Homeroom: Read, rest and relax! Spend this time with loved ones playing games, getting fresh air and stretching your imagination. I think it is a good idea to practice your multiplication and division each day, too. A little bit each day keeps your brain sharp. I look forward to seeing you on Monday!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Math: Complete your "Bases" booklet. Today in class we learned about different bases. After years of just "knowing" base ten, it's time to dive into different bases to make sure you really get it! We practiced lots of base five examples and for homework you should continue on to make sure you can still understand this challenging concept. There should only be about ten to fifteen problems left of the booklet, as we did most of it together in class. You can do it! Check out this neat base 10 calculator -- type in any number into the base ten position and it will show you what that number would be in different base systems! Wowzers!

Spelling: the pink sheet is due tomorrow

Reading: Enjoy a good book for 20 minutes. The book reports have been phenomenal so far and I can't wait to hear the rest!

Reminders: Come in Number One with your House shirt for the assembly. Pack your Spirit clothes (full track suit required).

Good night, 5D!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Monday, Monday

It's going to be a great week! Today students rocked their Problem Solving assessment today with a wonderful 88% average! The average for the Number Test was 82%. Well done, Math set! :)

Tonight, please complete page 13 in your white Spelling book (due Tuesday). The pink Spelling sheet is due on Wednesday.

Many students are well underway for their final Underground to Canada portfolios, with excellent, in-depth theme based analysis of the text! Hooray!

Please remember that because we are into the Winter dress code, full Collingwood track suits must be worn on PE days - like tomorrow!

Have a wonderful night! Rest up, drink lots of fluids and be healthy!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

A rainy Thursday

Come in PE, bring $2 to change into civvies and pack your costume for the afternoon.
Review for your Problem Solving test on Monday.
Read and ensure that your book report is as wonderful as it can be!

We had a very exciting day in 5D -- Carol Lamont came to share her wealth of knowledge about Salmon and the class was able to see two adult Chum salmon that were just delivered from the Hatchery! Carol showed us the anatomy of the salmon and taught us about the life cycle (including a four year epic journey to Alaska and back!). We learned about prey and ecological balance, as well as the great opportunity to see and touch biological features that make salmon a really, really interesting fish. Thank you so much, Mrs. Lamont, for sharing your expertise, your patience with our many questions and your efforts to secure the salmon and make this day possible for us!

Thank you for a great day!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Math: Review for the Number Sense test tomorrow and the Problem Solving test on Monday. Run through the meadow of math wonderfulness (inside 5D Math joke) and relax for this test - you will rock it!

Language Arts: Read for 20 minutes. Record the title and author of the book in your agenda.

Spelling: green sheet due tomorrow!
Complete pages 11 and 12 in your fancy white Spelling book

Good night, 5D!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday reminders:

For tonight:

Dress for the weather! It has been very cold at recess (and sometime very wet!), so dressing properly is really important.

Come in Number One uniform. There is NO Spirit.

Math: Review for tests. Complete the two pages of in-class work on double-digit multiplication and division (if not complete in class time). Homework is to work on the colouring pages - Ikat Wall Hanging and Mola. These are helpful sheets that give you immediate feedback whether or not you are following the pattern. You should aim to spend 30 minutes on this homework in total and focus on understanding the concepts (that's directed for the Soccer children who missed class today - no need to stress yourselves!)

Language Arts: Read for 20 minutes. Record the title and author of the book in your agenda.

Socials: page 1 (Cariboo Gold Rush) and 2 (Barkerville) in Gold Rush and CPR booklet.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday, Monday


Wednesday, Oct 28 - Photo Retake Day/Pumpkin Run

Thursday, Oct 29 - Math Test on Number Sense (Place Value, Operations, Rounding)

Friday, October 30 - Come in PE kit. If you bring in $2 for UNICEF, you can change into civvies for the rest of the morning. At 12:30 - change into costumes for an afternoon of fun! We will be having a dance-off to the Monster Mash, a celebration with our Buddies and a tour through 5BRs super exciting Haunted House!

Monday, November 2 - Problem Solving test on Matixes

Wednesday, November 4 - House Assembly (bring your house shirts!). Parent/Teacher interviews begin at 4 pm

Thursday, November 5 - no school! Parent/Teacher Interviews all day

Friday, November 6 - no school!

Tuesday, November 10 - Remembrance Day Assembly; wear number one uniform

Wednesday, November 11 - no school

Thursday, November 12 - Underground to Canada final portfolio project due

Monday, November 16 - Number One uniform to celebrate Olivia's birthday! Also for the Vancouver Symphony Trip!

Green Spelling sheet due Thursday
Adjectives 7/8 due Tuesday
Math - Place Value/Rounding booklet (front page discusses books in a library) due Tuesday
Come in PE kit, bring uniform

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Looooooong weekend!

Enjoy your long weekend, 5D!

Here are a few reminders for you:
Grammar- Adjectives sheet 5 and 6 are due on Monday

Writing - Paragraph work (Exercise 1.29) due on Monday. You have a choice on the back to write a narrative, persuasive, descriptive or expository paragraph!

Math - complete booklet for Tuesday. In class on Monday we will take up that challenging Logic Matrix - Scent Packing! Two test dates were announced today for all Math Sets:

Thursday, October 29th - Operations test covering the material covered to date
Monday, November 2nd - Problem Solving test covering Matrixes

On Monday, October 26th we are so pleased to welcome you into our classroom for the pumpkin carving extravaganza! Pumpkins are, of course, provided for us from the Capilano Suspension Bridge for this competition. Reminder: be sure to bring your carving kit and your painting smocks!

New Scholastic orders were sent home today - the due date for this is Thursday, November 19th.

Enjoy your long weekend - make it a healthy one! Get loads of rest and be happy!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wild Wednesday!

It was a busy (and great) day in 5D -- students dressed perfectly for the weather so thank you for all of those track suit bottoms, jackets with hoods and rain boots. You are stars!

5D Math - please complete page 83 from that lovely green Journeys in Math 5 textbook. I handed back the quiz from yesterday, and many students learned about their strengths and weaknesses in the topics we have covered so far this year. The great news is: it's a quiz! Now we can focus together on the areas you need to improve and aim for even greater success in the future. This type of assessment is assessment FOR learning so that you can apply this feedback and direct your own review!

Language Arts: to finish our unit of study on synonyms, antonyms and homonyms, please complete the white sheet 3.6 tonight.

For the children presenting their book reports tomorrow - I am so excited to see your final product and for you to inspire the class and I to read more books! Good luck!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Welcome back, Montreal kids!

It was a great feeling to have most of our class back today, but unfortunately we're still missing some due to illness. We're thinking of you and wish you a healthy and full recovery!


-- My Math Set - please complete the pink sheet - due Wednesday
-- Language Arts - blue synonyms/antonyms analogies worksheet due Wednesday
- white homophones sheet due Thursday
-- There are several Book Reports being presented in the next 10 days -- if your assignment is due, please be diligent in completing it!

Come in Number One uniform and pack your Spirit clothes!

Good night, 5D!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Montreal Exchange Students Return Tomorrow!

If you are interested in what our Montreal Exchange Students have been up to, check out their blog!

Wow! It's going to be a great week!

We're off to a great start and this is going to be a wonderful week! Here are a few reminders to help you organize your week:

- Girls Soccer have an away game tomorrow afternoon - please be sure to bring your complete uniform!

- Come in PE kit, bring uniform

- Return Innisbrook Wrapping Paper orders by Thursday, September 22nd.

- Practice the Spelling Bee Word List and have some fun completing the word search. The first round of the Spelling Bee will be on Thursday - so get buzzzzzzzzzzy!

- Complete the blue Synonym and Antonym Analogies worksheet (due on Wednesday)

- 5D Math: Continue on your successful path by working through Question 107 "Scent Packing" on your Logic package. We will take this up next Monday, October 26th, so there is plenty of time to puzzle over the challenging question. Remember our strategy of working backwards with the information you already know!

- The Pumpkin Carving Event is going to epic this year, and your help would be greatly appreciated! Please feel free to join us on the afternoon of Monday, October 26th from 1:30 until the end of the school day, and students - be sure to bring your carving kits for this wonderful competition!

- Last call for Scholastics! Bring them in, please! :)

- On Friday, I will be attending a Boy Smarts workshop for the province-wide Professional Development Day. I am really excited to learn from this presentation, but please remember that you have the day off! Enjoy your long weekend!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fort Langley Slideshow Group 1

I would like to thank Tiana's Mom who dropped off these wonderful photos to me on Friday - hope you enjoy, Group 1!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Just a few reminders...

Thank you for a great week, 5D! Here are just a few reminders for you over the weekend:

-- Choir has been canceled after school on Monday.
-- You should be practicing the lyrics to the song the Grade 5s will be performing in the Remembrance Day Assembly. This sheet was sent home tonight with the lyrics so that you could memorize them in the upcoming weeks!
-- Have a wonderful and safe weekend!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Olympic Medals

Click here to see the new 2010 Olympic medal designs. Much like our community art piece, these medals each represent a larger entity - a community of athletes and supporters that come together to make the Games. What do you think?

Here is a glimpse back at some other medals for comparison in your discussion:

Thursday (already?!?!)

Thank you to everyone who has already returned the Parent Teacher Interview forms. I would like to have these in by Monday to arrange the schedule with sibling and specialist teachers. Thank you! :)

5D Math will complete pages 68 and 69 tonight. Several students discovered that subtraction with borrowing was a challenging concept today -- it may be useful to review this and then come to see me at lunch to really make sure you have it down pat!

Socials: Making of Canada booklet Word Search (page 41) due tomorrow.

Read for 20 minutes! Please be sure to bring back your Library books for tomorrow's class.

Come in PE kit and bring your uniform. Many students have been INCREDIBLE about bringing jackets and track suit bottoms now that the weather has taken a turn for the chilly, so thank you for being so organized!

Good luck, Volleyball Girls! :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I miss those Montreal kids and wish they could be here with us! It will be so exciting to have them back and to hear about their adventures!

- please complete the Blue Spelling sheet.
- Math: 5D - complete the Fragrant Blossoms sheet for tomorrow
- Read for 20 minutes (or use that time to work on your Book Report)
- Check out the Remembrance Day links to the left to help you prepare for our in-class essay. You can also check out books from the Collingwood Library (or your local library branch! :) )
- Parents: Please return the Parent/Teacher Interview availability forms by Monday. These should have been e-mailed to you today from the school. You can print or e-mail this to me. Thank you!

** Volleyball Girls ** Practice is as scheduled tomorrow morning. You also have an away game tomorrow, so please come to school with your full track suit, shorts and uniform top. You will leave Wentworth at 1:20 and return to school at 6:15 pm. You must prepare for this tonight! ** Good luck!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Homework for Tuesday

It was wonderful to see the smiling faces of 5D this morning after the long weekend - everyone looks rested and healthy! :)

Tonight, please complete one more page in your Math Place Value colour-the-pattern booklet. Each student reached a different level of completion today, so one additional page would be great review. Soccer girls - please just complete page 11 (not both pages as I had initially requested. Thank you)

Spelling -- please complete page 8 in your white book. The blue sheet is due on Thursday, and compliments the work we did in class today on ANALOGIES (or, relationships between words). This can often be a challenging concept to understand so please try your best.

Reminders: Please come in Number One uniform and bring your Spirit clothes. Read for 20 minutes and be sure to return your Scholastic orders by the 22nd!

Have a wonderful time in Montreal!

Have an incredible time in Montreal, everyone! Jacob, I couldn't find you this morning but I wish you well, too! We will miss you this week but we are all so excited to hear and read all about your adventures in Quebec!! Bon voyage!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Good bye, Fin!

We are all so sad to say goodbye to Fin who is a lovely member of 5D! We wish him all the best in the next step of his journey, and we can't wait to be pen pals!

Good bye!