Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Math: Complete your "Bases" booklet. Today in class we learned about different bases. After years of just "knowing" base ten, it's time to dive into different bases to make sure you really get it! We practiced lots of base five examples and for homework you should continue on to make sure you can still understand this challenging concept. There should only be about ten to fifteen problems left of the booklet, as we did most of it together in class. You can do it! Check out this neat base 10 calculator -- type in any number into the base ten position and it will show you what that number would be in different base systems! Wowzers! http://www.cleavebooks.co.uk/scol/calnumba.htm

Spelling: the pink sheet is due tomorrow

Reading: Enjoy a good book for 20 minutes. The book reports have been phenomenal so far and I can't wait to hear the rest!

Reminders: Come in Number One with your House shirt for the assembly. Pack your Spirit clothes (full track suit required).

Good night, 5D!

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