Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday reminders:

For tonight:

Dress for the weather! It has been very cold at recess (and sometime very wet!), so dressing properly is really important.

Come in Number One uniform. There is NO Spirit.

Math: Review for tests. Complete the two pages of in-class work on double-digit multiplication and division (if not complete in class time). Homework is to work on the colouring pages - Ikat Wall Hanging and Mola. These are helpful sheets that give you immediate feedback whether or not you are following the pattern. You should aim to spend 30 minutes on this homework in total and focus on understanding the concepts (that's directed for the Soccer children who missed class today - no need to stress yourselves!)

Language Arts: Read for 20 minutes. Record the title and author of the book in your agenda.

Socials: page 1 (Cariboo Gold Rush) and 2 (Barkerville) in Gold Rush and CPR booklet.

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