Monday, November 23, 2009

Marvelous Monday

We had a wonderful (albeit rainy) day today -- we watched a slideshow from Alex about the Canadian Olympic Athlete, Steve Omichle who is an aerial and freestyle skier! Alex did a wonderful job, and now we will brainstorm how 5D can show our support for Steve!

Tonight, please...

Practice words to “Power of the Dream” and “Canadian, please.” 

Practice lines to audition for Winter Concert. Boys will audition first recess on Tuesday, and the girls will audition at lunch!

Spelling homework: The Purple spelling sheet due Thursday, and please complete page 20 in white book tonight.

Please complete the Festive Store ordering form and follow the directions -- return the sheet to school on the day we attend the store - Tuesday, December 1st!

Come in PE kit (full track suit, bring uniform)

Return Library books

Read for 20 minutes

And, last but not's time to get excited for our Skeletal and Muscular Science unit - we officially begin tomorrow! We watched some quick videos about skeletons today, put together a bulletin board and took a quick glance at our booklet for this exciting unit!! Check out the links to the left for more information!

Good night, 5D!

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