Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wild Wednesday!

It was a busy (and great) day in 5D -- students dressed perfectly for the weather so thank you for all of those track suit bottoms, jackets with hoods and rain boots. You are stars!

5D Math - please complete page 83 from that lovely green Journeys in Math 5 textbook. I handed back the quiz from yesterday, and many students learned about their strengths and weaknesses in the topics we have covered so far this year. The great news is: it's a quiz! Now we can focus together on the areas you need to improve and aim for even greater success in the future. This type of assessment is assessment FOR learning so that you can apply this feedback and direct your own review!

Language Arts: to finish our unit of study on synonyms, antonyms and homonyms, please complete the white sheet 3.6 tonight.

For the children presenting their book reports tomorrow - I am so excited to see your final product and for you to inspire the class and I to read more books! Good luck!

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