Monday, October 5, 2009

Congratulations to 5D for a wonderful Legacy month! (And homework...)

Wow! 5D helped manage the most successful Legacy month EVER with an astounding $779.40! Thank you so much to everyone who helped organize and facilitate this event - I am so thankful to the parents and students who were able to help out (by either helping with the pick-up process or by bringing in your recycling!)

Tonight, please complete Page 4 in your Spelling book for tomorrow's class. The pink sheet on synonyms and long and short vowels is a long-range homework item and will be due on Thursday.

Please come in your PE kit and bring your uniform.

5D Math homework: We worked through our Logic Problem Solving book plus an additional sheet of double-matrices. These problems are due on Tuesday, October 13 and I am available to help anyone who may require it! The key for this type of problems is to read very carefully and to review all of the clues multiple times - you can do it! They are actually my favourite type of Problem Solving problem - it's so satisfying to solve them!

You should be continuing to work on your Book Report - I am anxious to hear your presentations and to read your reports!

Today we learned about the differences between synonyms, homonyms and antonyms. It might be worthwhile to review that in your free time - in the car, playing basketball or walking up stairs are all opportunities to make up little songs to help you remember what you have learned!


Good night, 5D!

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