Tuesday, March 30, 2010

No, no -- THIS is the quickest update ever!

Bring in Bottles for Spring Fair Bottle Drive

Review for Science Test tomorrow

Sharp Number One uniform for Public Speaking Celebration Assembly

Pack Spirit Gear

Spelling: Pink sheet due Wednesday

Record date for Term Three Book Report

Bring in any old newspapers and magazines for a Pink Shirt Day bulletin board display (by Thursday at the latest)

** no track practice after school on Thursday, April 1st! **

Monday, March 29, 2010

The quickest update ever

Come in PE kit! Bring uniform!
Spelling: Pink sheet due Wednesday. Be vigilant in understanding the difference between singular nouns, plural nouns and the possessive form of each!

Record date for Term Three Book Report ** Must get book approved!**

Bring in any old newspapers and magazines for a Pink Shirt Day bulletin board display

Math: Review for test on Tuesday

Tuesday, March 30th: Multiplication and Division of Fractions Test
Wednesday, March 31st: Digestion System Test
Wednesday, March 31st: Bottle Drive for Spring Fair
Thursday, April 1st: Rodeo Day - wear your cowboy gear!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Shane Peacock - Author Talk

On the afternoon of Thursday, May 6th, the Grade 5 students will be attending an Author Talk with Canadian author Shane Peacock. Mr. Peacock is an accomplished author of the really popular Boy Sherlock Holmes series - if you haven't read them yet, you should check them out!!

Here is a link to his website, http://www.shanepeacock.ca/ but for your interest, here is an excerpt giving you details of his exciting life!

Biographer, Novelist, Playwright, Journalist, Screenwriter

Shane was born in a place that doesn’t exist … the city of Port Arthur, Ontario, Canada (find it on a map, if you can). It was a fitting, fictional beginning. One of four brothers, he grew up in Kapuskasing, Ontario, then earned a Bachelor’s degree (Honours) in English and History from Trent University, and a Master’s degree in Literature from the University of Toronto, where one of his teachers was the inimitable Robertson Davies.

Shane also worked as a labourer for Spruce Falls Power and Paper Company, a wilderness bush sprayer for Ontario Hydro, and a box mover for a university bookstore.

But ever since childhood, his mind was on other things: on extraordinary people and events, on personalities who made legends of their lives, on what motivated them, and what made others accept supporting roles. He set out to write about such individuals, some real, some invented, and others so eccentric that they seemed to be a combination of both. High-wire walkers, sumo wrestlers, fanatical hymn writers, the world’s most dangerous man, and literature’s most famous detective, made appearances in his work, placed in theatrical backgrounds: at circuses, murder investigations, behind enemy lines, and in unusual historical moments. The Great Farini, Dylan Maples, William Fairbairn, Jay Cochrane, and “The Boy Sherlock Holmes” have performed in Shane’s novels, plays, articles, and documentaries. He has often said that, in a sense, all of his work is biographical.

Because he writes about unusual subjects, his research methods have, at times, been out of the ordinary too. He has learned the arts of tight-rope walking, silent killing, trapeze flying, and sumo eating, all in the service of his art.

On Wednesday, April 14th, Collingwood is participating in Pink Shirt Day to raise awareness about bullying and develop strategies as a school to deal with this important issue. I will be working with the class to prepare for this event, but of course, we have been addressing the underlying power and self-esteem issues that so typically accompany bullying, mean and aggressive behaviour. To get yourselves ready for these activities, check out this site!


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Rainy Thursday

We had a great day today, despite the dismal weather! We officially wrapped up the Digestion System and now children should focus their attention on reviewing the material each night until the unit test next week!

Please come in your PE kit, but pack your sharp Number One uniform for the Public Speaking Semi-Finals tomorrow. Congratulations to Jack, Jacob and Sabrina who will represent 5D in this round! Good luck!

I just wanted to formally announce a small mistake I made in regards to next week - Wednesday is the Bottle Drive, but Wentworth will not have a Civvies Day - we will celebrate on the Thursday by wearing our greatest cowboy gear, instead! Please do bring your Bottle donations for this worthy cause.

Math: We have mastered the basics of operations and continue to fine tune our Fraction Word Problem Skills. Tonight, please complete numbers 15 and 16 in this booklet, being sure to review the strategies we have covered in class. Feel free to complete 17 for added review, if you like!

I've added some more links to the list on the right to help you get ready for Term Three -- you will cover Canadian Government, Natural Resources, Decimals, Measurement, Iqbal and Simple Machines! It's never too early to start learning! :)

Good night, 5D!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

We had a great day today, and here are a few reminders:

  • Continue working on Science Fair
  • Science: Chew On This! Due Thursday, March 25th
  • Mr. Lewis assigned a really neat Book Report Project for Term Three today - children recorded their presentation dates in Agendas and are completely excited to choose the book they will review in Term Three!
  • Math: Problem Solving with Fractions # 7 and 8 for Wednesday, March 24
  • Review for test next week!

  • Tuesday, March 30th: Multiplication and Division of Fractions Test
  • Wednesday, March 31st: Digestion System Test
  • Wednesday, March 31st: Civvies Day Bottle Drive for Spring Fair
  • Thursday, April 1st: Rodeo Day - wear your cowboy gear!
  • Come in sharp Number One for Public Speaking Judging -- pack Spirit!

An exciting few days!

Here are some photos to celebrate the many exciting things that have been happening in 5D lately - including a wonderful surprise baby shower with the best group of children in the world, a musical afternoon with two fantastic parents that involved lively dancing, a peaceful afternoon writing about words of wisdom, a beautiful afternoon watching the GOH ballet perform, an exciting morning building life size models of the digestive tract, a phenomenal Norooz (Persian New Year) presentation complete with treats and an impressive round of Public Speaking with our Parents!

Thank you for a great week, 5D!

Monday, March 22, 2010

What an action packed Monday!

We had a fabulous day in 5D! The morning began by building life size models of the digestive tract in groups of 4 - students have mastered the types of digestion that occur in the mouth, esophagus and stomach now, and tomorrow we will conquer the small and large intestines (today we just learned about their massive size and difference in structure). This unit has been great! Reminder: The Digestive Test is next week!

We shared a beautiful afternoon with families as the children presented their Public Speaking speeches. I was blown away by how professional and mature the children were, and am so very proud of you all!

  • Science Fair: Data and Results due Tuesday
  • Science: Digestive System - page 5 "Digestive System" in booklet due on Tuesday. You will need page 4 to complete this.
  • Math: Problem Solving with Fractions #1 and 2 for Tuesday, March 23
  • Review for test next week!
  • Tuesday, March 30th: Multiplication and Division of Fractions Test
  • Wednesday, March 31st: Digestion System Test
  • Come in PE kit, bring uniform and recorders

Thursday, March 18, 2010

What a beautiful day! Children worked diligently on their "proverb" writing today, exploring the meaning behind old expressions of wisdom like "don't count your chickens before they've hatched!", "don't cry over spilled milk" and "the pen is mightier than the sword". The writing looks great and I can't wait to see more!

Science Fair: Continue working on your project. Check deadlines for next week...(psst Data and Results due Tuesday!)

  • Finish Problem Solving "Working Backwards" by Mon Mar 22
  • "Compute This" in green booklet, due Fri Mar 19

  • Tuesday, March 30th: Multiplication and Division of Fractions Test
  • Wednesday, March 31st: Digestion System Test

And, as always, the typical Thursday night reminders: Come in PE kit, bring uniform, recorders and library books.

Enjoy the sunshine!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Upcoming dates:

  • Monday, March 22nd: Parent Public Speaking Celebration 1:30 pm
  • Wednesday, March 24th: In-class Judging of Public Speaking
  • Tuesday, March 30th: Multiplication and Division of Fractions Test
  • Wednesday, March 31st: Digestion System Test
  • Thursday, April 1st: Rodeo Day -- wear your Cowboy Gear!

  • Science Fair: List of materials due Thursday. Begin working on your Experiment.
  • Math: Finish Problem Solving "Working Backwards" by Mon Mar 22; Finish "Yucky Cooking and Martha's Workout" due Thursday
  • Spelling: white sheet due Thursday. We will complete a writing exercise on these proverbs tomorrow, so please be sure to discuss the meaning of them!

Monday, March 15, 2010


Science Fair: continue working on Procedure, due on Tues 16th

Return Circulatory Systems test with a parent signature
Language Arts: Return Poetry test with a parent signature

Math: Sign and Return Fractions Section Two test
Finish Problem Solving "Working Backwards" by Mon Mar 22
Complete page 91 in Multiplication and Division booklet about Reciprocals

Spelling: white sheet due Thursday

Practice Speeches. Transfer to cue cards. Focus on memorization, confidence, eye contact, expression and fluency

Come in PE kit, bring recorders and uniform

Last call for Jump Rope for Heart pledge envelopes!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Just a quick outline!


Science Fair: continue working on Procedure, due on Tues 16th

Return Circulatory Systems test with a parent signature
Language Arts: Return Poetry test with a parent signature

Math: Sign and Return Fractions Section Two test
Complete pages 82 and 83 in Fractions booklet

Practice Speeches. Transfer to cue cards. Focus on memorization, confidence, eye contact, expression and fluency

Jump Rope for Heart pledges due Fri Mar 12
Come in red jumping clothes

Return Library books. Bring recorders.

Good night!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wonderful Wednesday

It's time to begin collecting some major tests from the last few weeks - please be sure to return with a parent signature the following assessments:
  • Fractions Section Two test
  • Poetry test
  • Circulatory System test
Children received their Science Fair portfolios back today - please review my feedback carefully, refer to your instructions manual and work on your Procedure that is due by Tuesday, March 16th.

Thank you for the many RSVPs to the Parent Celebration on the afternoon of the 22nd!

Just a reminder that there is early dismissal due to Parent Teacher Interviews on Thursday -- 1:55 pm. The bus will run at the regular time, daycare is as per usual and sibling pick up is in effect, but at our alternative staggered dismissals for this day.

In celebration of Friday's Jump Rope for Heart, students are encouraged to wear comfortable, jump-appropriate red clothing that they are welcome to stay in for the day! I hope that your pledges are accumulating for this great cause!

Good night, 5D -- enjoy the sunshine!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Terrific Tuesday

Many children returned their signed Circulatory Systems test today - thank you!

We embarked on a new unit in Math today after the phenomenal Section Two: Addition and Subtraction of Fractions test yesterday (in which our class scored fantastic results!). We will take up this test as soon as all students have completed it, and in the meantime we began Section Three: Multiplying and Dividing Fractions -- woo hoo! Please complete page 81 in NEW Multiplying and Dividing Fractions booklet tonight for homework.

Respiratory Test is tomorrow - you are ready and will rock it! Practice labeling your laminated diagram tonight!

Good night, 5D!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Snowy Monday?!!?

We had a great day today, although it was quite the shock when snow began to fall over the lunch period! It hasn't stuck around though, and it's nice to have the sun back.

Poetry Portfolios were returned today, and children should be so, so pleased with all of their hard work. I loved reading your beautiful poems, and was blown away by your honesty and imagery in your writing. I did not assign a mark (much to some children's disappointment - however, I do not believe that poems can be assigned a grade, so instead, I commented on which pieces I especially loved and took notes throughout the process on your work ethic and process).
Enjoy - I hope that you treasure your work forever!

Please sign and return your Circulatory Systems test - excellent work, 5D!

I am sure that you have reviewed the Science Fair feedback for your Question from Friday. Resubmit your final question and HYPOTHESIS for Tuesday, March 9th. Be sure to take care with your work.

The Respiratory System test is on Wednesday, March 10th. I know that your review process is becoming stronger each time we prepare for a new test!

The yellow Spelling sheet due Thursday

Please take home the invitation for Public Speaking, and ask your parents to RSVP

Speeches have been incredible - I love them! Please transfer your speech to cue cards and continue to work on expression and timing.

Jump Rope for Heart pledges due Fri Mar 12

Come in PE kit, bring uniform and recorder!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Quick updates for a beautiful Wednesday

Math: In Fractions Superstar booklet, Questions 7, 10 and 18 (due Thursday)
Math test on Adding and Subtracting Fractions - Mon Mar 8

Science Respiratory Test - Wed Mar 10

Speeches: work on speeches! Bring completed draft, ready to be timed on Thursday, March 4th

Science: Brainstorm Questions for Science Fair -- need to be approved by Friday, March 5th

Spelling: green sheet due Thursday, March 4th

Read! :) Check out our new 100 Books Countdown!

Dismissal at 1:55 pm on Thursday, March 11 for Parent/Teacher Interviews

Scholastic orders due by Friday, March 19th

Jump Rope for Heart next Friday, March 12th! Start collecting pledges! :)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Welcome back to a Marvelous March!

It was wonderful to be greeted by the sea of shining, happy faces this morning - I missed you, 5D! Thank you to everyone who wore red to celebrate our sweeping Canadian spirit following an incredible Olympic break. I forgot, but celebrated in spirit!

We worked through more persuasive writing today, with the goal of really rocking this writing style for the remainder of Term Two. The rhythm and flow of our writing is really beginning to come together!

Tonight, please be sure to:

- get ready with your PE kit and recorder for the morning, and pack your uniform!

- Science Fair: brainstorm Science Fair questions for this exciting unit! You need to have your question approved by me by Friday, March 5th.

- Spelling - complete your homophone crossword by Thursday, March 4th

- Math - complete your Addition (yellow sheet) and Subtraction (salmon sheet) Fractions target practice, due Tuesday, March 2nd

- Speeches - continue working on your Speech - bring completed draft on Thursday, March 4th