Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Student Ambassadors were excellent tour guides this morning to prospective families - they certainly made me proud with their confidence and knowledge as they showcased our great school!

For Friday, please remember to come in your uniform and bring your recorders and library books. To introduce our upcoming Respiratory System unit, please bring an empty 1 or 2 litre plastic bottle to school on Monday. I have found that the Bolthouse Farms bottles (or similarly shaped bottle) work well for the activity we'll be doing. Any extras are appreciated.

We played around with the relationship between a hexagon, a rhombus, an equilateral triangle and a trapezoid today. This worked we ll to create models of mixed numbers and improper fractions, as well as solidifying understanding of what "one" means. We began by making the hexagon equal to one, but as we played around and made the trapezoid be equal to one whole it was clear how the relationship changed. Tonight, please complete page 213 in Jump!

We were really grateful to see Mrs. Deighton today - she brought in her newborn son to show off how adorable he is! Mama and Baby are blissfully happy and healthy!

Best of luck to the Basketball Boys tonight!

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