Friday, January 29, 2010

January in Review

There are many photos of Science World in here, but there are plenty of other great memories as well! We have certainly begun 2010 on a strong note! Our class had time with the Collingwood torch, there were many rock-paper-scissor duels, a great (and peaceful) art lesson and loads of laughter and fun. Although we didn't get any good photos of it, we also made blood and lungs! Hooray for January!

Thursday, January 28, 2010


We introduced the Respiratory System today by learning the new vocabulary terms of the diaphragm, inhaling and exhaling. We built a simple model of the lungs to understand this relationship. It is going to be a great unit!

Tomorrow, please be sure to bring your Library books and recorders. Mr. Corbett is teaching Art tomorrow afternoon, and you will all be delighted with the wonderful shading lesson he has prepared.

We said goodbye to Fractions Section One in Math today (test has been moved to Tuesday February 2, which gives students loads of review time) and we moved on in to Fractions Section Two: Adding and Subtracting Fractions! We worked through pages 49 and 51 together, and students are responsible for making sure that page 52 is completed for class tomorrow as well.

I was delighted with the Public Speaking outlines and handed these back with my feedback. Tonight, I'd like you to begin working on your draft speech. Bring it back tomorrow for more feedback. It is imperative that you keep all speech work in one place, together, so that we an see the progression of your thinking.

Good night, 5D!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wonderful Wednesday

The sun burned away some of that fog and we had a beautiful afternoon up the hill!

Tonight, Math students will complete page 269 in their Comparing Fractions booklet, due Thursday. It is a wise idea to be bringing home your Math binder to keep all of your material in one place for your nightly review sessions. The Fractions Quiz Part One has been moved to Tuesday, February 2nd, although we will forge ahead and dive into Part Two this week -- adding and subtracting fractions (regular, improper and mixed).

We have seen absolutely brilliant Poem Reports thus far this term - students have chosen wonderfully rich poems to analyze with their classmates, and the PowerPoints have been phenomenal. Working away on these now will help you to stay on top of your work load (and allow you to present early!)

Last call for 1 litre plastic bottles - the Science lab is tomorrow. Be sure to bring in your materials!

Super Speller Assembly Surprise!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Making Blood!

We finished off our Circulatory System unit by making blood today -- it was wild and hilarious, especially when Mrs. Dearborn forgot the red food colouring and we had to use ketchup. Do you remember the four parts of blood, their function and relative amount in your blood stream?

Tonight, please be sure to finalize your speech topic and outline to be handed in tomorrow. It's class picture day, so sharpest Number One uniforms, please!

Enjoy this incredible weather!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Only 18 days until the Olympics begin!

We had a wonderful Monday together -- we all noted that the day flew by! We worked away on our Poetry Portfolios, and I am so excited to see the final products of student's hard work!

Tonight, students are very likely reviewing Math skills for the two tests this week -- Problem Solving on Tuesday and Fractions Section One on Thursday. Students should be sure that their materials are organized and that any questions are carefully noted and dealt with on Tuesday!

We continued working on our Speech topics and outlines in class today. Finalized speech topics and a rough outline are due on Wednesday.

Here are some handy reminders for the weeks to come!

  • Problem Solving test Tues Jan 26 (Making a Diagram)
  • Class photo day on Wednesday -- sharp Number One uniform!
  • Fractions Test Part One Thurs Jan 28
  • Poetry Test Mon Feb 1
  • Circulation/Respiration Science Test Wed Feb 10
  • Poetry Portfolio due Thurs Feb 11 (early submissions welcome)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Fabulous Friday!

We completed our gorgeous bamboo paintings today - they look wonderful!

Please remember to practice your Recorder songs (2 of 4), to review for Math and enjoy the sunshine!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Student Ambassadors were excellent tour guides this morning to prospective families - they certainly made me proud with their confidence and knowledge as they showcased our great school!

For Friday, please remember to come in your uniform and bring your recorders and library books. To introduce our upcoming Respiratory System unit, please bring an empty 1 or 2 litre plastic bottle to school on Monday. I have found that the Bolthouse Farms bottles (or similarly shaped bottle) work well for the activity we'll be doing. Any extras are appreciated.

We played around with the relationship between a hexagon, a rhombus, an equilateral triangle and a trapezoid today. This worked we ll to create models of mixed numbers and improper fractions, as well as solidifying understanding of what "one" means. We began by making the hexagon equal to one, but as we played around and made the trapezoid be equal to one whole it was clear how the relationship changed. Tonight, please complete page 213 in Jump!

We were really grateful to see Mrs. Deighton today - she brought in her newborn son to show off how adorable he is! Mama and Baby are blissfully happy and healthy!

Best of luck to the Basketball Boys tonight!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


What a beautiful day on the mountain! Spirits are bright and we are accomplishing so much! Thank you all for your hard work and continued organization.

We are hosting an Open House tomorrow, so students must come in their sharpest Number One uniforms! The Boys have an exciting away game, but their Basketball clothes will be packed separately to be changed into before the game.

Science: We intended to MAKE BLOOD today, but the day slipped away. We will aim for this tomorrow. To continue your exploration of the circulatory system, please complete Section 5.6 in your booklet.

Our Fractions Unit continues to roll along, and today students focused their attention to areas for improvement, as well as making specific goals of how to achieve this prior to the test next week. Strategies include visiting lunch time study halls, sitting close to the front of the class, asking questions and being diligent in homework completion. Tonight, please complete pages 211 and 212 in Jump, due tomorrow. There are also many additional pages in your binder that focus on the specific areas, should you wish to review. Be sure to check your understanding against the review sheet!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Good luck, Basketball Girls!

Here are just a few quick reminders for you tonight (after a long absence!)

Tomorrow will be a Civvies Day for Hope for Haiti - $2 donation, please. Be sure to bring your Spirit clothes.

Science: Circulatory System Section 5.3 in textbook and corresponding page in your booklet, due Wednesday

Language Arts: Yellow Spelling due Thursday

Poetry: Continue working on Poem Report

Math: Problem Solving Test next Monday Fractions: page 205 and 206 in Jump due Wednesday


Scholastic orders due Jan 27
Yearbook orders due Feb 11

Upcoming dates:
Problem Solving test Mon Jan 25 (Making a Diagram)
Circulation/Respiration Science Test Wed Feb 10

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Come in PE kit. Bring recorder! Bring uniform! Bring library books!

Language Arts: Take home "Best Things in Life Are Free". Mark it at home with your parents using the Personal, Impromptu Writing Rubric (highlight where you think you fall). Bring back tomorrow!

Poetry: Continue working on Poem Report

Math: Complete Problem Solving booklet - Making a Diagram due next Monday, January 18th


Aquarium forms due Friday Jan 15
Scholastic orders due Jan 27

Upcoming dates:
Problem Solving test Mon Jan 25 (Making a Diagram)

Thank you! Good night, 5D!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


There's not much new to report today - another great day filled with learning and laughter. Student's model of the heart should be nearly complete, and these will be an invaluable resource as reference when describing the path of blood through the heart. We worked on writing in partners after an independent persuasive writing activity -- students shared their responses and feedback and went on to create a "super final copy" by using the best of their own work to create something even better! We discovered that partner writing is difficult but fun.

We began our Fractions unit today by covering prime and composite numbers, Greatest Common Factor and Prime Factorization. These foundational skills will make reducing fractions, finding common denominators and converting improper fractions to mixed numbers so much easier! Please complete pages 42 and 43 in your Fractions booklet tonight.

5D homeroom children can continue working on their Poem Reports and keep up their solid studying for the Skeletal and Muscular Systems test on Thursday! Please come out to help with Legacy in the morning!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday, Monday

We had a great (although very indoor-recess-y) day. We studied the poem The Road Not Taken and re-examined William Blake's The Tiger (we had a full class today - hurray!) We began building a model of the heart to help our understanding of the circulatory system and we will complete those tomorrow!

Here are your reminders for tonight:

  • Come in PE kit, bring uniform. Bring your recorder for Music class in the morning!
  • Spelling: Salmon sheet due Thursday
  • Review Skeletal and Muscular System Study Notes -- Test on Thurs Jan 14
  • Science: pages 54 and 55 in Circulatory booklet (due Tuesday)
  • Poetry: Continue working on Poem Report

Math: Complete Problem Solving booklet - Making a Diagram due next Monday, January 18th

PROJECT HANDS PENNY DRIVE BEGINS TODAY! Begin collecting your pennies for the big house competition!

Aquarium forms due Friday Jan 15
Scholastic orders due Jan 27

Thursday, January 7, 2010


We had a great day today that flew by! Here are some reminders for tonight:

Come in PE kit, bring uniform

Continue working on Poem Report

Create Skeletal and Muscular System Study Notes The test will be written on Thurs Jan 14

Math: 5D Venn Diagram Problem Solving (and Roxy Theatre question) due Friday

Bring recorder for Music class tomorrow!

Good night, 5D!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wonderful Wednesday

We had another great day together!

Students continued to develop their Persuasive Writing Skills, helped their Grade 2 Buddy with Researching Skills, played a great game of Bone Bingo in preparation for the upcoming Skeletal and Muscular Systems test and delivered a great Assembly to the school!

Continue working on Poem Report
Create Skeletal and Muscular System Study Notes
Science Sheet MUSCLES due Thursday
Complete Spelling
5D Math: Complete Venn Diagram Problem Solving sheet and the Roxy Theatre question for Friday

Aquarium forms due Friday Jan 15
Student Leader forms due Friday
Scholastic orders due Jan 27
Return Library books

Legacy Help Needed!

Thank you!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Our trip to Science World was wonderful today! We watched a fantastic movie about the Human Body, explored the exhibits and had a great workshop on Grossology with Jaime, who taught us everything GROSS and EXCITING about our bodies! Click here to check out their website!

Tonight, please be sure to complete the yellow Poetry sheet creating eight metaphors and similes for your given topic. This brainstorm will undoubtedly help you with a poem of your choice for your final portfolio.

5D is currently looking for help with our upcoming Legacy mornings. Please contact our Class Representatives if you are available to help! We really appreciate it!
Please come in your Sharp Number One uniform and be sure to pack your Spirit clothes, and of course, your track suit. Dressing for the weather is an important way to stay healthy!

Aquarium forms and Student Leader Applications are due by Friday -- I was thrilled to see so many children get the yellow Leadership forms today. Your enthusiasm is wonderful!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Quick reminders

Welcome back, 5D! I know that 2010 will be an amazing year for you as you continue to grow and shine!

Here are some quick reminders for you tonight:

Come in Number One uniform for field trip to Science World tomorrow
No Gym clothes (Girls basketball bring clothes for game after school)
Brown Bag lunch -- no microwave!
Clearly label your lunch bag with your name and class

Spelling -- complete sheet by Thursday

Poetry -- yellow sheet due Wednesday

Math -- parent sign test, return on Wednesday
Math -- finish pages 1, 2 and 3 in Review Booklet

Work on Poem Report

Aquarium forms due on January 15th (Sleepover on Friday, January 29!! It's going to be great!)