Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Our First Day of School!

We had a wonderful first day of Grade Five in 5D! I am so pleased to be your teacher this year, and am confident that this year will be marked with laughter, growth and success. I will post photographs, videos and important information on this blog daily, so please check this space often!

Already, we have a few reminders for the rest of the week:
  • Please come in Number One uniform all week
  • Individual photographs on Friday
  • Please complete the red contact information form and return on Wednesday
  • Return the pink Risk Consent form as soon as possible http://www.collingwood.org/downloads/parent/august_mail/junior/RiskConsentFormJrSchool09.pdf
  • Bring USB drive to school to keep in your pencil box
  • Bring P.E. kit bag tomorrow, with Spirit shirt and running shoes
  • Return updated Comfort Kit as soon as possible (September 18 deadline)
5D is responsibly for Legacy on three dates in September. Your help is invaluable in making this program a success. Please consider volunteering with your child on the following mornings:

  • Tuesday, September 15
  • Wednesday, September 16
  • Tuesday, September 29
Please speak with me or our wonderful Class Representatives for more information!

5D students have homework! Please create a one page inspirational poster to decorate our classroom. Students should choose a quote that inspires them to be the best that they can be, and ensure that the quote and the author is clearly visible on the page. From there, let creativity abound by decorating the standard sized paper with anything you choose! This project is due by Friday. This website may help you begin thinking! http://www.inspirational-quotes.info/

Good night, 5D -- I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!

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