Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pumpkin Carving Fun!

Get those Pumpkin Carving tools ready, because on Monday, October 26th at 1:30, Grade 5s will be once again participating in the Capilano Suspension Bridge Pumpkin Carving Festival! Any parents who would like to help with this exciting event are welcome to attend! Any one who would like to roast the pumpkin seeds for us for a mid-week snack would be gladly received! :)

Thanks, everyone!


What a beautiful autumn day!

Language Arts: Students did an excellent job with the topic sentence homework from their Grammar booklets. I hope to see a similar level of excellence of paragraph organization as we continue to hone in on our paragraph skills this term. Tonight: please complete Exercise 14 (page 16 in the the booklet) on proof reading.

Spelling: The yellow sheet is due tomorrow.

Immerse yourself in an excellent novel for 20 minutes.

Thursday, October 1st is Canucks Jersey Day! Students can show their Vancouver pride by donning their favourite Canucks jersey (with proper uniform bottoms).

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The view from Tuesday

Congratulations Cavs -- the Girl's Volleyball team played two great matches this afternoon! Our first indoor recess today was pretty great - it was wonderful to sit back and watch everyone play games so well together!


Language Arts:
Exercise 13: Topic Sentences due Tomorrow
(pages 14 and 15 in your Grammar booklet)

Even # questions from Page One
3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24 from Page Two
Odd # questions from Page Three

House assembly in morning - bring House shirt with Number One uniform
Pack Spirit clothes
Return Soccer permission form
Swimming tomorrow morning 6:45 am
Problem Solving MATRIXES due Monday
Bring rain jackets and boots for recess (no excuse!)
Yellow Spelling form is due on Thursday
Fort Langley Field Trip - we would love parents to join us on Thursday, October 8th

Thank you! Good luck to the volleyball girls tonight!! :)

Monday, September 28, 2009

A Magnificent Monday in 5D

Thank you all for a wonderful day - it was a relaxed day with loads of learning and growing. My favourite part was reading Feathers and Fools by Mem Fox and listening to your powerful connections.


WE HAVE LEGACY TOMORROW MORNING!! Please help if you can!
Spelling: The yellow sheet is due on Thursday. This is a substantial amount of work so please do not leave it until Wednesday night to complete it. The writing exercise is a useful reminder for you to hone in on the skill of proofreading.
Book Report - be working on it! Ethan, Kate and Taylor will soon be presenting!
Math - sign test and return Tuesday
Problem Solving - Complete Logic booklet (in yellow duotang) for next Monday, October 5th
Come in PE kit, bring uniform
The Blue Fort Langley information sheet sent home today outlines our exciting trip on the 8th. We are still in need of volunteers -- please let me know if you are interested!

Thank you!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Please come in your PE kit tomorrow (Terry Fox t-shirt if you have one!) and be ready to rock in our Terry fox Run. This is your opportunity to demonstrate your determination and grit by pushing through the pain and running our entire 30 minutes. Think of how long Terry ran EVERY SINGLE DAY and hopefully you, too, can persevere and do your best! Please bring your uniform to change into for later, and your water bottle - hydration is key!

There is a Patterning and Algebra quiz tomorrow, so you brought home your Math material tonight for review. You can do it!

Please complete page 3 in your new fancy Spelling book.

Return any Library books you are finished with so that you can check out new material for the weekend! Perhaps a good Gordon Korman book? Scott O'Dell's Island of the Blue Dolphins? Or are you about to dive into the C.S. Lewis series?

Thank you and good night!

DPA Delightful Dancing

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Congratulations Boys Soccer!

The Boys Soccer Team had a phenomenal first match of the season today, and brought home a big win! Congratulations, boys!

Tonight, students are expected to complete pages 28 and 29 in Jump I. The patterns founds in multiples can be really exciting, so jump in! I had you record in your agendas to complete the Hundreds Chart Exploration, but the photocopier broke down, so that will done in class tomorrow. If you wanted to play around with a Hundreds Chart on your own tonight to discover what patterns you can find (especially with digital roots!), feel free! There is a Patterning and Algebra quiz on Friday, so please aim for success!

As we prepare for our Terry Fox run on Friday, please ensure that your story is fully typed (or at least 30 minutes of effort in typing) so we can edit and begin to compile our class book. We will launch our book soon - refreshments, reading of particularly wonderful excerpts and autographing! Think of your audience as you revise and consider what kinds of emotions you hope to evoke in them. You will do a brilliant job!

Please complete Page One in your new fancy Spelling book (long and short vowels AND a study in compound words!). This will be marked in class tomorrow.

Please return the Photograph orders by Thursday.

Meet the Teacher night reminder -- I look forward to seeing you at 6:30 pm tomorrow night!

Thank you, everyone!

Hot Lunch Reminder

Hello everyone,

Thank you so much for turning in your cheques for the Hot Lunch Program. Please remember that the lunch program will begin on Monday, September 28th!

Thank you!

What a wonderful class!

Thank you for being so great, 5D - and for working so hard across the board in all of your subjects! I am so proud to be your teacher!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday Updates

Hello 5D,

Please take the time tonight to review the pink Novel Study Project contract if you haven't already done so. Sign and return tomorrow so that we are organized and focused when we are able to fully begin the projects! The entire project isn't due until Thursday, November 12th, so we are just planning ahead here!

Complete page 20 of your new Grammar booklet. "Singular and Plural Nouns: Part 3". Due Wednesday.

Math: Jump Book 1 pages 16, 17 and 18. Student shad class time today to make some progress on these three pages, so it is not as daunting as it looks!

Come in Number One. Look sharp! :) Pack Spirit.

*** Please return your photograph choices by Thursday, September 24. If you would prefer to have a photo retake, this will take place at the end of October.

Thank you!

One last note -- the self-portrait gallery looks incredible - I am excited to host parents on Thursday evening for Meet-the-Teacher and watch them guess which fabulous painting is their own child! :)

Monday, September 21, 2009


Just a quick over view for tonight:

Complete all Problem Solving pages in your yellow duotang. These will be due next Monday.

Please review pink Novel Study Project contract with parents. Have them sign to make your contract complete. Return this package to school on Wednesday.

Complete page 11 of your new Grammar booklet. "Singular and Plural Nouns: Part 1". Due Tuesday.

Last night to order Hot Lunch -- by 9 pm. Bring cheque tomorrow.

Pledge for Terry Fox online! RUN IS ON FRIDAY!

Read for 20 minutes. Book report time will be here soon!

Come in PE kit. Bring uniform.

***** scroll down to see the latest slideshow! *****

Last day to order Hot Lunch!

The deadline for ordering hot lunch is tonight at 9 pm. Please send your cheque payment to school tomorrow morning! Click here to access the ordering information:

Thank you!

Written and Oral Book Report Schedule for Term One

We discussed this project in class today and examined a sample to determine the characteristics of a fully or exceeding expectation assignment. Students recorded their presentation date in their agendas and everyone understood that the yellow page written component was also due on their assigned date. Just in case those dates are misplaced, I will post it here and you can refer back to this blog post if needed! Reminder: this term's book report will be on a good quality novel that you will read/have read this term. Please see Mrs. Dearborn or the wonderful librarians if you need help choosing a book! :)

Oral and Written Book Report Schedule

D. A. Tuesday, October 27th
F. B. Monday, October 26th
E. C. Tuesday, November 3rd
O. E. Monday, October 26th
E. F. Monday, November 16th
J. G. Monday, November 2nd
J. H. Tuesday, November 10th
S. L. Monday, November 16th
M. L. Thursday, November 19th
E. L. Thursday, October 22nd
N. M. Thursday, November 19th
H. M. Monday, October 26th
P. M. Tuesday, November 10th
T. M. Thursday, October 22nd
C. N. Monday, November 2nd
K. P. Thursday, October 22nd
C. P. Tuesday, November 10th
B. R. Monday, November 2nd
J. S. Monday, November 16th
M. S. Tuesday, November 3rd
C. T.-B. Tuesday, November 3rd
T. W. Tuesday, October 27th

Friday, September 18, 2009

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thank you for a great week together, 5D! I hope that you have a restful and lovely weekend. Your homework is to be active, be healthy and to get excited for our Underground to Canada novel study project -- you will be able to choose your three projects on Monday! Will it be the Banner? Or perhaps the ABC Book? I can't wait to find out!

Kate DiCamillo is coming to the North Shore for an Author Talk!

On Friday, October 2nd at 7:00 pm, Kate DiCamillo (Tales of Desperaux author!) will be presenting an Author Talk. If you are interested, please inquire for more information at Kids Books! It is so exciting to learn from accomplished authors about their creative process and inspirations!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Tonight, please review the Memory Strategies package that was sent home. This may stay home to complement your own Learning Styles information from yesterday. The Memory Strategies will be taught explicitly in class this year, but I wanted to have the information at home as well so that everyone involved has the ability to reinforce these concepts. These are a just a few of many very good strategies that help students learn to their full potential!

Please return finished Library books for our class tomorrow.
Please bring an old painting smock for our Art lesson. This will stay at school for the entire year for any messy art projects we find ourselves into!
Come in P.E. kit and bring your uniform
Donate online for Terry Fox
Each item of your uniform should be very clearly labeled with your name -- this is important to help decrease the number of unclaimed clothing items each day!

Math: pages 26 and 27 in Jump I
Language Arts: Read over your "Canadian Geography" inspired creative writing piece, and complete the "Y-Pie". We will look over your Y-Pie tomorrow in class and then apply your own feedback to the writing piece before I formally go through them (I confess - I read them all last night and loved the wonderful places you chose from the Canadian Atlas for your setting! Your ability to bring in details from the land was often stunning, and I look forward to reading about how the land influences the story that develops! Please, though, remember that tonight is just for editing - we will finish the stories in class).

Thank you!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A rainy Wednesday

Dear 5D,

The rain has not dampened our spirits at Wentworth! Today we were fortunate to see a presentation by Grade 5 Student Leaders about Terry Fox during Assembly. Students researched, wrote, edited and typed the presentation, and a Power Point presentation was completely organized by the students! I was so impressed with and proud of the final product!

Tonight, students have homework that is expected to be complete by Thursday.

Math: Jump Book 1: pages 21-22
Socials: Complete Latitude/Longitude package. Read for understanding!
Study Skills: Review your Learning Profile with your family, and share the strategies you learned about that complement your learning style. Both pieces of paper will stay at home to help you plan your studying and organization in Grade 5 and beyond!

Thank you, and good night!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mrs. Dearborn is going away for the afternoon with the other Grade 5 teachers for a Professional Development meeting, so today's blog post comes a bit earlier than usual.

To further student learning in our Algebra and Patterning unit, students should complete page 19, question 4 (it is so important in this type of question to understand where the beginning and end points are), and page 20, questions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. To encourage organization and understanding, we worked on labeling work for each jump on the number line. Keep up the good work!

Please come in perfect Number One, and pack Spirit
Read a good quality novel for 20 minutes. Check out links to the left for ideas to encourage your reading!
Cross-Country practice after-school on Thursday is off-campus
Return Hot Lunch payments to Mrs. Dearborn
Please consider helping with Legacy on Wednesday morning

Thank you -- I hope that you had a wonderful afternoon in Music and P.E.!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday, Monday

We began our Underground to Canada novel study today, and Barbara Smucker's descriptive writing style drew us in with her metaphors, similes and imagery. It is going to be a great unit! Tonight for homework, please complete our vocabulary practice and spelling sort. This is due on Wednesday.

To continue our focus on Patterning and Algebra in Math, students are expected to complete page 13 (number 3, 4 and 5), due tomorrow.

Please come in your P.E. kit and please, PLEASE consider helping with Legacy in the morning!

Thank you!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Legacy Needs

Hello all,

As our Legacy days quickly approach, 5D would be so grateful for your help on the mornings of Tuesday September 15th and Wednesday September 16th. Please contact Mrs. Dearborn, Mrs. Mainra or Mrs. Ladha to volunteer!

Thank you so much!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A stone's throw from the weekend...

The sun was shining today for our 25th Anniversary, and we were treated to a beautiful rendition of our school song (well done, Grade 5s!), inspiring speeches by some founding members of our community and an exciting balloon drop!

Tonight, students should be reviewing for a small quiz on our Nouns unit. We have focused our attention on:

-- the four categories of nouns
-- the various rules to change singular nouns to plural nouns
-- how to indicate possession of a singular noun
-- the two ways to indicate possession of plural nouns (think of what to do for irregular nouns!)
-- the differences between common and proper nouns.

Students were encouraged to bring home the material from this unit to aid the review process. 5D were experts with the SmartBoarder in today's lesson and everyone was tuned in for success!

The greatest part of the day was the Crack the Code Challenge at the end of the day -- congratulations to all of the groups who found the crooks! :)

Just a few reminders to you for tonight:

-- Come to school in your P.E. kit and pack your uniform
-- Return your Coffee and Scholastic orders
-- Hot Lunch orders are to be placed online this year!
-- Donations for Terry Fox can be made online as well!

Good night, 5D!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


It was, quite possibly, the best day that we have ever had in 5D! The students were incredible learners today, and I am so proud to be their teacher!


Come in sharp Number One tomorrow for Assembly

Cross Country has an after school practice

Complete Noun Sheet -- both sides. The focus is on the irregular plural forms of some nouns, and the use of the apostrophe to indicate possession. There will be a small Nouns quiz on Friday, so be sure to complete your homework tonight!

Memorize lyrics of School Song -- lyrics can be found in a previous post on the blog, or on your bright green sheet.

Mark your calendars! Meet the Teacher Night is on Thursday, September 24th from 6:30 to 7:30 pm! I am really looking forward to meeting you!

Hot Lunch Program

Starting on Thursday September 10th Hot Lunch Program will be taking on line orders!

Simply go to the Collingwood Website
and under Hot Items click on Wentworth Hot Lunch,
it will take you directly to the webpage that will give you all the information you will need to start ordering your child's hot lunch.

Our School song

In preparation for our 25th Silver Anniversary Assembly tomorrow, students practiced the beautiful song they will be performing. As a reminder, here are the lyrics for your own practice tonight if you are unsure! I am looking forward to seeing your shining faces in smart Number One uniform in the morning! The lyrics of this song truly are my hopes for you, and I am so exited for your bright futures!

From Vision to Reality

Nestled ’neath the Lions, near the forest and the sea,

Collingwood stands shining like a jewel.

Born of hope and vision in nineteen eighty-four,

Collingwood became a special school.


So I lift my voice for Collingwood,

It’s more than a school to me

It’s a place to learn, to grow, to dream, to build integrity.

And I sing your praises Collingwood,

You’re a vital community.

You have opened doors of promise,

Turned my vision to reality.

Academics and the Arts nurture minds and feed our souls.

Athletics make our bodies strong.

Being a good citizen is the final strand

Of fabric woven in our whole lives long.


So I lift my voice for Collingwood,

It’s more than a school to me

It’s a place to learn, to grow, to dream, to build integrity.

And I sing your praises Collingwood,

You’re a vital community.

You have opened doors of promise,

Turned my vision to reality.

Repeat Chorus

So I lift my voice for Collingwood,

It’s more than a school to me

It’s a place to learn, to grow, to dream, to build integrity.

And I sing your praises Collingwood,

You’re a vital community.

You have opened doors of promise,

Turned my vision to reality.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

And we're back!

I hope that you had a beautiful and restful long weekend! I am so excited for this week -- there is certainly much to look forward to!

Please come in sharp Number One on both Wednesday and Thursday (Thursday is our 25th anniversary celebration of Collingwood!). You should pack your Spirit clothes for Wednesday afternoon.

For homework tonight, please colour and label the Canadian map in your Mapping booklet. You do not need to label the Capital cities, although you should all know them. There will be a short quiz this week on these basics of our Canadian Political map -- so now is the time to strive for perfection!

Thank you, 5D!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Slideshow with AUDIO!


Wow -- it's difficult to believe that we are almost done our first week together! I have absolutely loved getting to know each of you, and am so excited for our year! Judging from the poll, it seems that many of you are looking forward to Camp Squeah -- it's going to be incredible trip!

Tonight, please complete your two items for homework:

  • Inspirational/Motivational poster
  • Social Studies -- Capital City match

  • Please come in P.E. kit and pack your Number One uniform. It's Picture Day tomorrow!
  • Better Life coffee forms are due on the 11th
  • Scholastic orders are due on the 25th (thank you to Marshal and Casey who have already returned theirs!)
  • Montreal exchange trip deposit should be given to Madame Keiser as soon as possible

Congratulations on being the first class to return your pink Risk Consent Forms! You are so organized!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

5D Beginnings...

Check out these wonderful children!

(the audio component doesn't seem to be working...I'll try to fix it!)

Please be sure to complete your poster by Friday!

  • Scholastic orders are due on Friday, September 25th
  • Number One uniform tomorrow
  • Comfort Kits and Risk Consent forms as soon as possible
  • Read a good quality novel for twenty minutes each night and record the title and author daily in your agenda
  • Keep getting those initials -- you did a brilliant job this morning! :)
Thank you, 5D!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Our First Day of School!

We had a wonderful first day of Grade Five in 5D! I am so pleased to be your teacher this year, and am confident that this year will be marked with laughter, growth and success. I will post photographs, videos and important information on this blog daily, so please check this space often!

Already, we have a few reminders for the rest of the week:
  • Please come in Number One uniform all week
  • Individual photographs on Friday
  • Please complete the red contact information form and return on Wednesday
  • Return the pink Risk Consent form as soon as possible
  • Bring USB drive to school to keep in your pencil box
  • Bring P.E. kit bag tomorrow, with Spirit shirt and running shoes
  • Return updated Comfort Kit as soon as possible (September 18 deadline)
5D is responsibly for Legacy on three dates in September. Your help is invaluable in making this program a success. Please consider volunteering with your child on the following mornings:

  • Tuesday, September 15
  • Wednesday, September 16
  • Tuesday, September 29
Please speak with me or our wonderful Class Representatives for more information!

5D students have homework! Please create a one page inspirational poster to decorate our classroom. Students should choose a quote that inspires them to be the best that they can be, and ensure that the quote and the author is clearly visible on the page. From there, let creativity abound by decorating the standard sized paper with anything you choose! This project is due by Friday. This website may help you begin thinking!

Good night, 5D -- I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!